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Image:Domino & Notes 8.5 - it’s GOLD tonight - not anymore, sorry (sigh)

It seems something happened on partnerworld after my triumphant post.

After seeing all the packages appear online they quickly disappeared.

I can't figure out what happened but it seems I spotted it (the new notes release) too early for IBM.

The BAD news is ... IBM Gold release disappeared from partnerworld SAC.

Sorry guys, the party seems to be delayed.


I stumbled upon the "release" while downloading other stuff. I just checked Notes 8.5 (you never know) and the magic happened.

Just a few hours later... the magic was gone.

Comments (2)
Daniele Vistalli December 17th, 2008 22:43:03

1) The magic will happen soon...
Margaret Rora 12/18/2008 14:10:35

We went live by mistake, and are not quite ready to start the celebration. The downloads were supposed to be in a staging area until a couple of other essential pieces of work are completed. We are very close, but jumped the gun on this one.

Apologies for the trouble this caused anyone! It won't be long...

2) Untitled
Ed Brill 12/18/2008 0:57:55

Sorry...I will post an explanation in the AM.

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